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Paris with Olivier in 2022 (more information)
Just returned from Paris after a 2 year absence due to the pandemic. Life over there is pretty much back to normal. Masks are still worn indoors, but otherwise most restrictions have disappeared. The infection rate is low. I felt pretty safe. I plan on traveling back to Paris in December. If all goes well, the trip we initially scheduled for May 2020 will hopefully take place in early June 2022. Stay tuned...
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Olivier Courteaux holds a Doctorate in History from the University Paris IV-Sorbonne. He specializes in the history of 20th century international relations, with a particular emphasis on conflicts.
He has taught at various institutions in Ontario including York University/Glendon College, Ryerson University and the Royal Military College in Kingston. He is currently lecturing at the Life Institute (Ryerson University).
Olivier is the author of The War on Terror: Canada’s Dilemma (2009), Canada between Vichy and de Gaulle, 1940-1945 (published in English in 2013 and in French in 2015) on Franco-Canadian relations during the Second World War, and Quatre Journées qui ébranlèrent le Québec on Charles de Gaulle’s famous 1967 “Vive le Québec Libre”, in 2017.
Tel: 438-830-1780| olivierc1965@gmail.com
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